Korea Saemaul Undong Center is recruiting the Global Saemaul Undong Coordinators for Burundi. The applications should be submitted to koreasmu@gmail.com (CC: koremb-rwanda@mofa.go.kr) by Feburary 18th, 2025. Please refer to the attached file for detailed information and the application form.
Recruitment Details
O Number of Positions: 1 (Burundi)
O Application Submission:
- Period: February 3 (Mon) – February 18 (Tue), 2025
- Submission: Saemaul Undong Central Association, International Cooperation Bureau (koreasmu@gmail.com)
* When submitting email, please copy the Korean Embassy (korea-rwanda@mofa.go.kr).
O Qualifications: Local residents (Korean or native*) of countries participating in Global Saemaul Undong who are in good mental and physical health
O Roles and Responsibilities:
- Advise local villagers on Saemaul Undong projects
- Saemaul Training for the village people and Monitor Saemaul Undong project sites regularly or as needed (regarding execution of project budget)
O Support Provided:
- Activity allowance based on duties performed
- Coverage of airplain for training and event participation